I open my backlog of weekend newspapers having been away and enjoy going through the spread of magazines and supplements with my morning cup of tea. A cover story on Spectrum, my favourite Saturday supplement of The Age, catches my attention. Titled ‘Between The Sheets’, it is as the synopsis says about how the new sexual revolution is wrecking lives. I read the article with utmost interest but I find it is not so much about extra marital affairs or one-night stands or free love or liberation, but the article is more about the fact that people don’t talk about sex, that they don’t have someone they feel comfortable enough to talk about it especially when they have a problem! So, they talk about “about bullshit or fantasy stuff”.
My exposure to sex on India television when growing up was watching two flowers bobbing together to depict any kissing scenes between two lovers. That was the high. Then came a bit of boldness with time and we did see a few kisses on screen, you know real lip locks but these were viewed with great embarrassment especially when you had the rest of the family members also glued to the TV.
Sex is such a taboo even now in India that we judge a person’s morality on the basis of the number of boyfriends she has had. If a woman has not married the first guy she has gone around with, and if she has had more than two boyfriends, we easily define her as a slut! And that is in the land of the Kamasutra where the erotic sculptures in the centuries old temples of Khajuraho are the cynosure of all eyes and explore every position that the human imagination can capture.
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