We had initially mulled putting him in one of the shelter houses for dogs, but didn't have the heart to do it. The thought of dumping him off with a bunch of unknown group and people was unbearable. Some people even offered to buy him but we kept thinking whether the new family would genuinely take care of him. Dylan is a spoilt brat and the family would have lost patience by day two, we realised.

On Monday, we took him to the vet to get his travel certificate and a regular check up. It's funny how he refused to climb down from the doctor's table, while the queue of mongrels, alsations, pomeranians and others kept growing. Finally, he relented much to our relief. Next, we got his size measured to make the kennel to t

And heavy I am at the heart. This love of my life is going to make me crazy after he leaves. I love him so much. These days, my family is getting a real taste of my nagging, cos I call up to make sure that they know his food habits and that his arrival is being well prepared. My neice and nephew are already crying hoarse for Dylan. I think I have managed Dylans's PR well.
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